As far back as BC, hundreds of years ago, the ancient Chinese working people created this lost wax casting technique, which was used to cast various fine patterns and characters.
Stainless steel pump cover is manufactured using advanced technology, and its great advantage is the use of advanced hydraulic model design, high energy efficiency.
2205 Duplex Stainless Steel should be annealed at a low temperature of 1900 °F and then rapidly cooled for water quenching. This treatment is applied to solution annealing and stress relief.
There are three common reasons that precision castings can produce pores as follows. Alloy liquid contains too much gas and precipitates during solidification.
The so-called precision casting process is simply a fusible model made of fusible materials, coated with several layers of special refractory coatings, dried and hardened to form a monolithic shell, and then steam or hot water.
Mechanical use precision steel casting is processed by precision casting. Precision casting is a casting process in which a metal is smelted into a liquid that meets certain requirements and poured into a mold, and cooled, solidified, and cleaned to obtai
Precision steel castings for cylinders are produced by green casting process. Among the various methods of sand casting currently involved, the lost foam casting and V casting using a binderless dry sand molding.
The GB/T 13295 standard- Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories for water or gas applications indicates that ductile iron pipes normal wall thickness is designed by K-grade, which is widely known in the world.
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